Tuesday, June 5, 2012

just a day in the life...

(i'm post-dating this to the actual time of the blessed event.)

I found a little surprise when I got back from a LOVELY wedding in California! Well, more accurately, I smelled one...(I will say, I find it fascinating that, even without formal training or prior experience, the recognition of the smell of death is somehow innate.)

Maybe fleas are the worst, but this was definitely the grossest...

dead. mouse. under. the. fridge. 

After trying to stay away from my apartment for a day, I decided it was time to scour the place to find the source of the horrible smell. Finally, after a lot of searching and sniffing (I felt like I was playing that hot/cold game...the smell is stronger over here! that means I'm closer...), I saw what looked to be a tail leading from under the fridge.

I pulled it out, using a plastic bag and a lot of napkins. (After prepping myself for a few minutes to be ready for what I was about to see.)

But even with all that, I could still feel that disgusting tail. It was wedged, so i had to squeeze and pull that rough tail. Worst thought at this moment was, "What if I rip the tail off the body?"

What I was not prepared for...


what's it like? Like this... (just not orange) TIMES FIFTEEN. (I didn't take this video. Just found it, so you would begin to understand. I won't even begin to describe the SMELL.)

Why?! Why. ;( :$