Monday, September 12, 2011


This is for Breanne. Because getting creative with utensils (or, for that matter, not even using them) reminds me of you...

So it turns out that after all my careful planning and packing, I forgot to bring a set of utensils. But I did have standard cooking utensils...


  1. I can't tell you how happy this makes me. I have so many stories for you...not using dishes is only half the fun! I am living with Jewish roommates and now I keep kosher so I don't spoil the kitchen...and not using utensils is so much easier!

    But wow. Wow. I mean, that is a really big spoon.

  2. You are going to need more utensils if you plan to invite anyone over after you cook a meal in that postage stamp kitchen!
    Are you living alone?

  3. I'll bet the Bed Bath near you has some flatware that is $15 for a 20 piece (4 settings of 5)...
