Thursday, May 24, 2012

Writing heals my soul.

I imagine most of you aren't interested in the specifics of what I'm researching (the guts that I think are interesting...or sometimes try to convince myself are interesting, for the sake of research :) ), but the topic I think is probably generally of interest. It's about how game mechanics are being added to tasks to make them more enjoyable, and thus done more regularly.

As I've been perusing dozens of apps and websites, etc., I've run across some pretty interesting ones, though in the end, I wonder how much they'd actually do for me. And then I found this one. 750 words. The point is just to get yourself writing--free writing. It's like blogging, but not, because I get to write the types of things I don't put here, or, quite frankly, anywhere out loud, because I haven't found anyone that really wants to listen, without all the drama of taking it personally, trying to give advice when I can't take it, etc. It's only been 3 days, but it's amazing. I feel cleansed. Because, as you may or may not know, I tend to think on the side of relatively a lot. :) And I think that contributes a great deal to my emotional extremities. But getting it out, having it's better than just thinking it. My thoughts become more solid, even to myself. And I'm able to see my own errors and shortcomings. And somehow it's not overwhelming, but relieving. It's 750 words, because it takes more thought than a simple journal entry like, "Nothing new today." Or "PhD is hard." I don't know that I'm really motivated by the challenge of being put on the wall of shame if I don't do it everyday, but I think I am motivated by the potential to be 100%. Meaning doing it everyday. Even when it's hard. Even when I think there's nothing more to say. (Ha! Will there ever be a day?)

Anyway, I just wanted to share. Just in case someone else is in need of something similar.

Also, other cool things include the fact that there's a little bit of sentiment analysis going on. That means you can see how emotional your writing is, what you're concerned about, and your overall mindset. Whether you're focused on past, present, or future more. And whether I focus on myself or others more. So fascinating.

So I don't love that I'm more negative, but it's where I am right now, and I think I know it. But as I flush it out, I thought it'd be nice to see my progress out of it.


  1. hey, you should talk to jay. he's developing his own task app as a personal project. I'm sure you guys could get into a pretty good discussion and help each other out.

  2. Yay for writing! With all the dramatic changes in my life, I've turned to writing as well (mine's just in my journal though ;) ). It's surprising how much it helps.
